AeroDef Manufacturing brings decision-makers from aerospace and defense manufacturing together to showcase products, solve technology problems, discover solutions to the industry’s most pressing challenges and make valuable business connections.
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The Manufacturing Technology Series WEST, the leading California manufacturing trade show, has been providing solutions to manufacturing challenges for 56 years.
Student Summit Student Summit Learn all about the WESTEC Student Summit and find out what high school students will experience when they attend this interactive manufacturing event. The WESTEC
Why Attend The Manufacturing Technology Series West? Face-to-face access to hundreds of experts in critical industries such as aerospace, medical, industrial machinery and consumer goods.
Exhibitor List Exhibitor List
Why Exhibit at WESTEC? Why Exhibit? Have you ever thought about exhibiting at a manufacturing trade show? If so, find out why you should exhibit at WESTEC, the leading California manufacturing
Become an Exhibitor Please Submit Your Inquiry Are you thinking about exhibiting at WESTEC? If you’re interested in a booth at the leading California manufacturing trade show, fill out this form
Reserve a Meeting Room One of the most unexpected ways you can make vital connections is by hosting a meeting. There are options available for exhibitors at WESTEC who want a room for private