The WESTEC Student Summit delivers student-centric programming designed to provide high school students with their first taste of manufacturing. Programming this year dynamic keynote speakers from industry, a hands-on Autonomous Vehicle competition administered by Ten80 Education and guided show-floor tours that showcase the high-tech nature of modern manufacturing of exhibiting manufacturing companies.

As the philanthropic arm of SME, an internationally recognized nonprofit organization serving the manufacturing industry, the SME Education Foundation inspires, prepares and supports the next generation of manufacturing and engineering talent.

The Foundation leverages the 90-year history and thought leadership of SME in the manufacturing and engineering industry to provide curated experiences for thousands of high school students at SME conferences and tradeshows and builds hands-on manufacturing programs in high schools across the country. The Foundation also awards millions of dollars in scholarships every year to graduating high school seniors and both undergraduate and graduate students. Through its SME PRIME program, the Foundation has reached over 100,000 students in more than 60 schools across 22 states. All Foundation activities are designed to empower young people to pursue careers in manufacturing and engineering.